Dr. Pisut Koomsap and Dr. Duangthida Hussadintorn Na Ayutthaya attended the 31st International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE2024) at UCL East, London, held from July 8-12, 2024.
Part of this photo gallery evidences our mission to share the lessons learned from the project that we, in collaboration with Dr. Cathal de Paor (MIC), included in our accepted full paper entitled “Ensuring Student Active Engagement in Engineering Education.” Dr. Duangthida presented this paper in the Engineering Education session, chaired by Dr. Irina Lazar, University College London.
The gallery also shows our engagement in other activities, including the ambiance during Dr. Pisut’s chaired Health and Wellbeing session, lab visits at UCL East and City, University of London, and other social activities.
Our presentation on the paper “Ensuring Student Active Engagement in Engineering Education”
Dr. Pisut’s chaired Health and Wellbeing session
TE2024’s Group Photo
Photo credit: https://www.linkedin.com/school/ucl-steapp/
Photo credit: https://www.linkedin.com/school/ucl-steapp/

Keynote Speech

Lab visit at City, University of London
Other Social Activities